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1 OMIM reference -
1 associated gene
9 signs/symptoms
1 OMIM reference -
3 associated genes
79 signs/symptoms
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome
Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome



(click on a score value to see the evidence)

Citations in the biomedical literature:

Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome
Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome

Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome
Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome

- Partial androgen resistance syndrome

- 4p- syndrome
- Distal deletion 4p
- Distal monosomy 4p
- Telomeric deletion 4p

Classification (Orphanet):
- Rare developmental defect during embryogenesis
- Rare endocrine disease
- Rare genetic disease
- Rare gynecologic or obstetric disease
- Rare infertility
- Rare urogenital disease
Classification (Orphanet):
- Rare abdominal surgical disease
- Rare developmental defect during embryogenesis
- Rare eye disease
- Rare genetic disease
- Rare neurologic disease
- Rare otorhinolaryngologic disease
- Rare surgical thoracic disease

Classification (ICD10):
- Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases -
Classification (ICD10):
- Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities -

Epidemiological data:
Class of prevalence: unknown
Average age onset: variable
Average age of death: normal
Type of inheritance: x-linked recessive
Epidemiological data:
Class of prevalence: 1-9 / 100 000
Average age onset: neonatal/infancy
Average age of death: adult
Type of inheritance: sporadic

External references:
1 OMIM reference -
No MeSH references
External references:
1 OMIM reference -
2 MeSH references: C536740 / D054877

- Hypospadias / epispadias / bent penis
- Osteoporosis / osteopenia / demineralisation / osteomalacia / rickets

Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome
Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome

Very frequent
- Bifid scrotum
- Micropenis / small penis / agenesis
- Sterility / hypofertility
- Uterine / uterus / Fallopian tubes anomalies

- Female pseudohermaphrodism / virilisation / clitoridomegaly
- Testicular / seminal neoplasm / tumor / carcinoma / cancer (excl. teratoma / germinoma)

- Gynecomastia / breast / mammary gland enlargement / hyperplasia

Very frequent
- Anodontia / oligodontia / hypodontia
- Anomalies of mouth, lip and philtrum
- Ataxia / incoordination / trouble of the equilibrium
- Broad nose / nasal bridge
- Dolichocephaly / scaphocephaly
- Downslanted palpebral fissures / anti-mongoloid slanting palpebral fissures
- Downturned mouth
- Epicanthic folds
- Failure to thrive / difficulties for feeding in infancy / growth delay
- Fetal immobility / abnormal fetal movements
- Frontal bossing / prominent forehead
- High arched eyebrows
- High forehead
- High hair line (front) / widow peak
- Hypertelorism
- Hypotonia
- Insterstitial / subtelomeric microdeletion / deletion
- Intellectual deficit / mental / psychomotor retardation / learning disability
- Intrauterine growth retardation
- Low set ears / posteriorly rotated ears
- Microcephaly
- Micrognathia / retrognathia / micrognathism / retrognathism
- Microtia / cryptomicrotia / anotia / external auditory canal / pinnae aplasia / hypoplasia
- Seizures / epilepsy / absences / spasms / status epilepticus
- Short philtrum

- Abnormal vertebral size / shape
- Anomalies of chest / thorax / trunk
- Anomalies of hands
- Anomalies of spine, vertebrae and pelvis
- Atrial septal defect / interauricular communication
- Big toe anomaly (excluding absence)
- Capillary hemangioma / nevus / naevus flammeus / port-wine stain
- Cardiac septal defect
- Cardiac valvulopathy
- Cleft lip and palate
- Coloboma of iris
- Congenital cardiac anomaly / malformation / cardiopathy
- Delayed bone age
- Diaphragmatic hernia / defect / agenesis
- Foot anomalies
- Hearing loss / hypoacusia / deafness
- Hypoplastic lungs / pulmonary hypoplasia / agenesis
- Kyphosis
- Long hand / arachnodactyly
- Optic nerve anomaly / optic atrophy / anomaly of the papilla
- Pelvis anomaly / Narrow / broad iliac wings / pubis abnormality
- Ptosis
- Renal / kidney anomalies
- Rib number anomalies
- Sacral sinus / dimple
- Scalp / skull defect
- Scoliosis
- Talipes-varus / metatarsal varus
- Thumb duplication / distal bifid thumb phalangeal bone
- Thumb hypoplasia / aplasia / absence
- Undescended / ectopic testes / cryptorchidia / unfixed testes

- Anomalies of the immunitary system
- Cerebellum / cerebellar vermis anomaly / agenesis / hypoplasia
- Chronic / relapsing otitis
- Cleft palate without cleft lip / submucosal cleft palate / bifid uvula
- Corpus callosum / septum pellucidum total / partial agenesis
- Gallbladder / common bile duct anomalies
- Herniae
- Hypoplastic / absent nipples
- Long limbs / dolichostenomelia
- Megalocornea
- Movement disorder
- Nystagmus
- Proptosis / exophthalmos
- Repeat respiratory infections
- Retinopathy
- Sclerocornea
- Situs inversus visceralis / colon / intestine trasposition / heterotaxia
- Stillbirth / neonatal death
- Strabismus / squint
- Structural anomalies of the genital system
- Structural anomalies of the kidney and the urinary tract